
How does the Request Quote work?

  • Upload your property details and pictures
  • Select from the list of agents to quote on your property
  • Wait for your agents to respond, this would generally take about 2 days max.
  • Evaluate the responses and request the relevant agent to contact you

How does the quick comparison work?

  • Provide basic property information
  • Obtain a list of agents in your area and an overview of their fees and services

How much does it cost?

The service is free for customers.

Are my details shared with anyone?

Your personal and property details are confidential. Unless you agree to your information being passed to the agents, they would be kept confidential.

What happens after agents have submitted their quote(s)?

You can choose whether you wish to accept or decline quotes you receive from agents. A quote is valid for the duration of the set expiry date. Agents will automatically assume that you do not wish to accept a quote if you have not responded within the expiry period.

What is the quote expiry time?

When requesting a quote from agents, you will be prompted to enter an expiry date. This can be anything from 1 day +. Once the timeline has expired, agents would no longer be able to submit a quote.

How do I know I am getting a very competitive rate from the agents?

The range of quotes submitted for a property is available to all agents. An agent would be able to competitively outbid another agent by providing the customer with the best property estimate and commission percentage.

Can I request a quote from agents even if my property is currently listed with another agent on the market?

If your existing contract with your agent allows you to list the property, then you are not restricted to do so on Kayabee.

How do I contact Kayabee?

You can contact Kayabee by sending us a message on the Contact us page. If you would like to be contacted by phone, please provide us with your contact details and we will get in touch.